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All Hallows APCM

All Hallows Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), will be held on Sunday 28th April at 10:30am please note that worship that day will be at 10am. 

At the Meeting of Parishioners Church Wardens are elected.  Church Wardens are elected every year and there are 2 vacancies for this position. If you wish to stand you need to be on the Electoral Roll of All Hallows, are actual communicants and are 21 years of age or over and not disqualified from holding this office.

Following the Meeting of Parishioners we move into the APCM.

There are vacancies for 4 places on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) for a 3 year term.  If you wish to stand for election to PCC you need to be 18 years of age or over, on the Electoral Roll of All Hallows Church and a regular communicant.  You will need to be proposed and seconded by people who are also on the Electoral Roll of All Hallows. 

More information regarding the APCM will be available in church, along with Nomination Forms, from the beginning of April or from Please do keep an eye on the blue APCM Notice Board at the back of church.

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