Sunday Clubs Party
All Hallows CentreThe Sunday Club Party wil lbe in the Large Hall - everyone welcome
There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.
The Sunday Club Party wil lbe in the Large Hall - everyone welcome
Don't forget to get involved in this year's Big Garden Bird Watch. It takes place on Friday 28th, Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January. It only takes one hour, enjoy...
We will be showing a film about a cartoon cowboy and his spacemen friend Refreshments will be served and donations are welcomed.
Please join us for a Seasonal Procession with Judy Garladn and Fred Astaire
Please join us for a night of fun alongside some lovely Cheese and Wine Tickets are available from 5th March £12.50 for an adult and £2.50 for a child. Ticket...
Please join us to raise funds for Claire House and to share time together over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake This is called A Butterfly Bake....
Our APCM is taking place in the All Hallow Centre on Thursday 28th April, at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to celebrate all that All Hallows were able to...
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
As Ascension day apporaches, when we remember the day when our Lord's earthly life ended and His gloripous resurrected life began, we greatly rejoice -- 'O Happy Day' We van,...
Please come and join us for some Jubilee Family Fun for our film about "Royal Dogs" This event is free - donaitons towards church costs will be gratefully received
Come and joins us in the Church Grounds for a community picnic - everybody welcome.