Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)
Our APCM is taking place in the All Hallow Centre on Thursday 28th April, at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to celebrate all that All Hallows were able to...
There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.
Our APCM is taking place in the All Hallow Centre on Thursday 28th April, at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to celebrate all that All Hallows were able to...
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
As Ascension day apporaches, when we remember the day when our Lord's earthly life ended and His gloripous resurrected life began, we greatly rejoice -- 'O Happy Day' We van,...
Please come and join us for some Jubilee Family Fun for our film about "Royal Dogs" This event is free - donaitons towards church costs will be gratefully received
Come and joins us in the Church Grounds for a community picnic - everybody welcome.
Come and join us for a faimily friendly craft morning - featuring, amongst our crafts, Children;s Jubilee Crafts and Flower Arranging. Everyone is welcome.
Please join us for a fun evening and test out your Royal Credentials! This is a ticketed event - tickets cost £6.00 (2 free glasses of wine with cheese included)...
Please join us - everyone welcome for Fun, games, craft, fellowship and Bible teaching - look at our children's page for more information or email
We are delighted to be opening our Church as part of Heriage weekend in 2022. Please visit us to see and learn more about our historic windows, thw Bibby family...
We are participating in Heritage England OPen Days on 16th and 17th September from 10am to 4pm. Visitors are expected to be particularly intersted in our stained glass windows and...
We are delighted to be opening our Church as part of Heriage weekend in 2022. Please visit us to see and learn more about our historic windows, thw Bibby family...