Family FIlm Afternoon – February Half Term
All Hallows ChurchWe will be showing a film about a cartoon cowboy and his spacemen friend Refreshments will be served and donations are welcomed.
There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.
We will be showing a film about a cartoon cowboy and his spacemen friend Refreshments will be served and donations are welcomed.
Please join us for a Seasonal Procession with Judy Garladn and Fred Astaire
Please join us for a night of fun alongside some lovely Cheese and Wine Tickets are available from 5th March £12.50 for an adult and £2.50 for a child. Ticket...
Please join us to raise funds for Claire House and to share time together over a cup of coffee and a piece of cake This is called A Butterfly Bake....
Our APCM is taking place in the All Hallow Centre on Thursday 28th April, at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to celebrate all that All Hallows were able to...
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
Our May Sunday Club events are 8th May and 15th May Our Sunday Clubs invite children from 4 to Year 6 - we look forward to welcoming them
As Ascension day apporaches, when we remember the day when our Lord's earthly life ended and His gloripous resurrected life began, we greatly rejoice -- 'O Happy Day' We van,...
Please come and join us for some Jubilee Family Fun for our film about "Royal Dogs" This event is free - donaitons towards church costs will be gratefully received
Come and joins us in the Church Grounds for a community picnic - everybody welcome.
Come and join us for a faimily friendly craft morning - featuring, amongst our crafts, Children;s Jubilee Crafts and Flower Arranging. Everyone is welcome.
Please join us for a fun evening and test out your Royal Credentials! This is a ticketed event - tickets cost £6.00 (2 free glasses of wine with cheese included)...