Life in our City To the Lord In Prayer
All Hallows ChurchYou are all very welcome to join us for a time of prayer (can be for 5-10 mins or as long as you feel you need) to pray for The...
There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.
You are all very welcome to join us for a time of prayer (can be for 5-10 mins or as long as you feel you need) to pray for The...
Please join us doe our free Film Afternoon. Rerfreshments will be served Donations welcome
Please join us at for this wonderful concert Tickets prices are Individual £25 Groups £20 Uniersity of Liverpool Students £5 Tickets are available from For more information please click...
This is our Launch event - look out for our full calendar of events throughout Advent and Christmas