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Upcoming Events

There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.

Ian Harvey to visit All Hallows

Ian will be at our Sunday Service on 27th September to share his work helping the street children of Lumumbashi, D.R. Congo and the Kimbilio project to create safe refuge...

Pilgrim Course


This autumn we will be running a Pilgrim course on Zoom.  Pilgrim is a course for the Christian journey and combines prayer, reading the Bible in a reflective style, and...

Open Gardening at Church

On Saturday 17 October from 10am-12noon we will be doing some socially distanced gardening in the church grounds.  All are welcome: please bring your own tools and refreshments.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting


The APCM, which was due to take place in April will now take place on Wednesday 21st October 7:30pm via Zoom (not in church as previously advertised) .  This meeting is to...

Visit of Bishop Beverley

Bishop Beverley will be at visiting us for our Sunday service on 1st November - we hope you can join us. For anyone who cannot join us in church during...

Memorial Service

We are having a memorial service in church on 1st November at 3pm - everyone is welcome

Pilgrim Course


This is the last of our Pilgrim Course sessions - please do contact Marie  for  details

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