Film Afternoon
All Hallows ChurchCome and join us to watch a classic film. A free afternoon out, with refreshments! Donations welcome. Bring your friends. This time we will watch a musical about a great...
There's always lots going on at All Hallows – see what's going on by exploring all the events below.
Come and join us to watch a classic film. A free afternoon out, with refreshments! Donations welcome. Bring your friends. This time we will watch a musical about a great...
All Hallows will be participating in the Annual Heritage Weekend - Do come andvisit us
Confirmation At our Baptism our parents and Godparents make promises of faith on our behalf. Promised to follow Christ and turn away from sin. Confirmation is the service at which...
We welcome Bishop Kohn, Bishop of Liverpool, to All Hallows for a Confirmation service. FOur of our young people are perparing for confirmation alongside others from across the South Deanery
Confirmation At our Baptism our parents and Godparents make promises of faith on our behalf. Promised to follow Christ and turn away from sin. Confirmation is the service at which...
Please join us as we raise money for MACMILLAN Cancer Suppriot on Wednesday 28th September from 11.30am until 1.30p, There will be coffee, tea, and plenty of cake.
We join Paul Peacey as he is licenced as a Lay Reader at Liverpool Cathedral
Everyone is welcome to the service at the Cathedral to see Paul licenced as a Lay Reader
"Everyone is invited to a Scouse Night due to take place on Saturday 7 October at All Hallows Church Hall. This is a free social night (but donations welcome) and starts...
Please do join us for our Harvest Festival service - everyone is really welcome and we would love to share this with you
Our Christmas Market 2023 will take place on Saturday 25th November from 4pm. The church & The Centre will be open. Entrance fee includes / A Warm Mince Pie &...
Friday 15th December 2023 7pm for 7.30pm Carols around the Christmas Tree with All Hallows Choir – Mulled Wine & Mince Pies.